Clinical Psychologist and Director of Therapy

Rebecca Abbott-Sinclair, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in evidence-based treatment for children, teens, adults, and families. She works with clients experiencing various emotional, social, or behavioral difficulties but has a special focus on treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and other anxiety disorders across the lifespan. She has completed International OCD Foundation’s Behavioral Therapy Training Institute (BTTI), an intensive training program in ExRP for pediatric OCD.

Rebecca earned her B.A. in Psychology from Columbia University and her Ph.D. in clinical child psychology from St. John’s University, and she completed her clinical internship at Bellevue Hospital Center and NYU Langone’s Child Study Center. She completed further post-doctoral training at the Child & Family Institute, following internship, and then served as Director of Psychological Services at Brooklyn Minds Psychiatry for several years. Rebecca has extensive training in treatments for psychological disorders across the lifespan, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), for symptoms of depression, suicidality and self-harm, interpersonal difficulties, generalized and social anxiety, panic, school refusal, and trauma. Further, she has expertise in providing specialty treatments such as Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD and related anxiety, Habit Reversal Training for trichotillomania and other body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs), Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) for treating child anxiety and Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Selective Mutism (PCIT-SM), and Parent Management Training (PMT) for attentional and behavioral difficulties in children.

Rebecca has a particular interest in helping parents, ranging from addressing early childhood issues, improving behavioral difficulties at home, and navigating childhood/adolescent anxiety, and she provides both parent-only sessions as well as interactive parent coaching. Rebecca also provides individual therapy to parents navigating their own mental health issues. To further her expertise in working with parents, Rebecca has completed training and provided treatment specific to perinatal mental health.

In addition to working with children, adolescents, and families, Rebecca is passionate about working with young adults navigating complex challenges while addressing their mental health concerns. She focuses on creating individualized treatment plans, identifying difficulties for clients collaboratively to help overcome obstacles and build a life worth living. Whether with a child or adult, Rebecca emphasizes collaboration with clients and flexibly meeting clients where their needs are. This can mean individual work or working with families, schools, or partners. She is also available for consultations and trainings in OCD and related topics.

Rebecca enjoys being an advocate for her clients and for the use of evidence-based treatments to improve mental health treatment. Outside of work, she loves baking and cooking projects, watching the latest trending Netflix show, as well as mastering Wordle, Spelling Bee, and puzzle-based games. She is the proud mom of two young children and one fur-baby, a bichon-poodle named Milo.